Sunday, March 9, 2025

Production Day: 4

 Unfortunately, today we experienced an unforeseen setback. Sienna fell ill, she had to go to the doctor and was bedbound all day so we couldn't film any scenes today. So instead me and Adri decided to do some more editing. We set the next production date to be Tuesday and we are going to try and finish everything on Tuesday. At first, we were going to have Piper scroll through her phone, looking through videos and memories from High School. Instead, we changed it to where one of her friends texts her while Piper is in the bathroom talking about how she edited a bunch of videos of their friend group hanging out and doing fun things like a compilation. Piper then decides to call her and ask if she wants to hangout again before leaving for college

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Researching CCR: Question 4

 Hey blog, Today I will be talking about my 4th and final CCR question: How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online ...