Hey blog! Today we finally started editing but we still haven't finished filming... But we needed to start editing now in order to have time to finish so we don't have to do everything last minute. Apparently, my partners don't know how to use Adobe Premiere Pro so they forced me to watch a quick 13-minute tutorial on YouTube with them.
Editing isn't too hard it's just really time-consuming and will probably take another week or so to finish and make sure everything is in place, looks good, sounds good, etc. The audio was actually not as hard to make a sound bridge as I thought. I gave the laptop to Adri for 1 second and she did something that muted part of some scenes and I couldn't figure out how to undo it so I had to start anew. Luckily I had just started. Eventually, the audio started to flow very smoothly we started adjusting the decibels and whatnot. Adri started messing around with reverb and other sound effects in order to an echoey sound for one of Piper's scenes. Sienna arranged the scene placement and made sure that everything was running smoothly.
Editing can be fun but very annoying at times. Especially when you have other things to do but you need to edit to not fail.
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