Thursday, March 13, 2025

Researching CCR: Question 2

 Hi blog, Today I will be venting about The second CCR question: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Target Audience:

Coming of Age is a very popular genre in novels and films, defining the growth and maturity of adolescent characters. The genre is aimed at teenagers and young adults aged 13-25, with a more diverse audience and also adopting more varied methods. Modern trends include more diverse audiences, improved awareness of mental health, and blending genres like fantasy and horror. Research sources like books, articles, and social media provide insights into popular themes and stories.

The target audience for One Last Time will be directed towards recently graduated high schoolers or college freshmen who can sympathize with Piper. Our content will work to engage because we have created a film opening that many people can relate to because of the common theme of leaving for college and leaving their old lives with it. This method will grab the attention of the reader and leave them craving for more because once people start to sympathize and relate to a topic they often get 'hooked' on it and it leaves them wanting to find out more.

Film Distribution:

If this was a real production, we would upload it to mainstream media like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. We would do this because this way it would be very easy to catch the attention of our target audience as amateur filmmakers with limited resources and maybe even go viral. If the film does get enough traction to go big we could expand to streaming services like Hulu, Paramount +, Netflix, etc.


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Group meeting #2

Hey blog! Today was a super fun day in class. Our teacher put us into groups where we all talked about our individual projects (she did not put people in the same portfolio group together). I think that it was a pretty productive day, we got to discuss all sorts of things not just about the film opening.

We started by discussing each other's film opening which I felt went good. There was a lot of constructive criticism on everyone's part and we each gave each other ideas on what and how to improve certain aspects of the film opening such as characters, acting, composition, etc.

After a nice long talk, we started to talk about editing and how we were going to approach it and whatnot. This proved to be very beneficial for everybody in the group as everybody knew different functions and effects that could be implemented into the film opening. We also talked about how time-consuming it was going to be and that with the due date so close we would have to start editing routinely.  We then transitioned to the CCRs and how that would also take out a big chunk of time to produce and edit, to which we passed on fun ideas to each other. One of my partners Veronica said that her friend was thinking about doing their CCR based on the infamous talk show Hot Ones which I thought was very creative and astute. We talked a little more about the Title screen and the fonts. We exchanged our ideas on what we were thinking of doing, most of which were very innovative, but before we could finish our meeting we were cut short on time.

Hope you enjoyed my summary of the meeting!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Production Day: 4

 Unfortunately, today we experienced an unforeseen setback. Sienna fell ill, she had to go to the doctor and was bedbound all day so we couldn't film any scenes today. So instead me and Adri decided to do some more editing. We set the next production date to be Tuesday and we are going to try and finish everything on Tuesday. At first, we were going to have Piper scroll through her phone, looking through videos and memories from High School. Instead, we changed it to where one of her friends texts her while Piper is in the bathroom talking about how she edited a bunch of videos of their friend group hanging out and doing fun things like a compilation. Piper then decides to call her and ask if she wants to hangout again before leaving for college

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Post-Production: Day 2

 Hey blog! Today we finally started editing but we still haven't finished filming... But we needed to start editing now in order to have time to finish so we don't have to do everything last minute. Apparently, my partners don't know how to use Adobe Premiere Pro so they forced me to watch a quick 13-minute tutorial on YouTube with them. 

Editing isn't too hard it's just really time-consuming and will probably take another week or so to finish and make sure everything is in place, looks good, sounds good, etc. The audio was actually not as hard to make a sound bridge as I thought. I gave the laptop to Adri for 1 second and she did something that muted part of some scenes and I couldn't figure out how to undo it so I had to start anew. Luckily I had just started. Eventually, the audio started to flow very smoothly we started adjusting the decibels and whatnot. Adri started messing around with reverb and other sound effects in order to an echoey sound for one of Piper's scenes. Sienna arranged the scene placement and made sure that everything was running smoothly.

Editing can be fun but very annoying at times. Especially when you have other things to do but you need to edit to
not fail.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Post-Production: Day 1

 Hey blog! Today was the first day of post-production! Even though we still haven't finished production... We still haven't even started editing yet... All we really did today was sift through all 150 clips and label the clips that we thought would be good enough to make the final cut. Before this, we've only looked back at the clips from the camera making sure that we had enough clips and if the sound and quality were good.

The first time we ever loaded the footage on a laptop to be able to properly review it.
Time didn't allow us to work for long because we all had other things to do like homework, work, practice, etc. Looking through the footage we realized that the actor for Piper is not good and she needs to express more emotion so we need to reshoot some more scenes.  We imported the footage to Adobe Premiere Pro lined it up in order and made sure the audio and whatnot transitioned smoothly and worked.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Researching CCR: Question 1

Today I researched the first Creative Critical Reflection question:
How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

After researching the coming-of-age genre, I've noticed that many of these productions follow certain patterns. Most of them focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and the struggles of growing up, whether it’s school pressures The Breakfast Club, or family drama Lady Bird. These films usually follow a protagonist dealing that is facing real-life situations that mature them, which is exactly what we want in our film opening.

For our opening, we used some classic coming-of-age ideas:
  • A big life event as a turning point- Graduation is a big moment in her life because it means leaving behind everything familiar and starting anew.
  • An emotional crisis - Instead of being happy, the protagonist freaks out from all the attention and runs off to be alone.
  • Nostalgia and self-discovery - Just like Stand By Me, where the main character remembers an important event from childhood, our character looks through old photos and realizes they aren’t ready to leave their life behind.
We also wanted to do things a little differently. Most coming-of-age productions focus on things like friendship drama or love stories, but our film opening is more about what's going on inside of Piper's head. Although we do have to include the huge life-changing event, our film is more about our character's feelings. We don't have the friendship, family, or relationship drama that most films like ours portray. This is similar to Eight Grade, which focuses more on anxiety and the struggles of growing up rather than the basic dramatic moments that coming-of-age films have.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Production: Day 3

 Hey blog!!!! I'm glad to say that today was a successful day! We managed to get a lot done! Fortunately, plenty of people showed up and all were in the proper attire. My group and Leti started to decorate before everyone got there, they were supposed to come at 7 and we started around 5:45. Adriana tapped together table cloth to hang up to separate the part of the house we used for production to give off the illusion that the house was full. I then tapped the cloth onto the archway while Sienna and Leti blew balloons.

After this, Sienna got changed and we decided to shoot the car scene before everybody came. But it was dark out and the flash from the camera didn't work and the lights inside the car weren't bright enough so we would have to shoot it another day.

When we came back a decent amount of people had arrived and we started to debrief them on what they were going to say and do. Eventually, everybody came and we started to film and it went very well. I cant wait to see how it turned out!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Obstacle/Issues of Production

 Hello blog. Today I want to talk about the issues my group and I have had during production which were both funny and annoying. Our first obstacle was that the camera we borrowed had no SD card so we had to drive 7 miles to a Walmart just to get the SD card.

It's a little hard to see but if you look closely you can see the SD card in the camera

The exact same day we messed up again. When we started recording the bathroom scene, we first recorded Sienna walking into the bathroom where she would use her phone in the bathroom. We forgot that she needed to be holding her phone because she was wearing a dress that had no pockets. We tried to play it off but it just wouldn't work so that added another day to film.

Right after this, we decided to just film the part where we sneak out and go to the gas station. As soon as we started recording the cameraman messed up by zooming out and we didn't look back at the footage so we have to reshoot another day.

Our next issue was that we were going to schedule the graduation scene for last Sunday, but then half of the men who were supposed to go had a tournament like 2 hours away and didn't know if they would make it back in time. Then Adriana got scheduled to work that day so we had to move it to tomorrow. 

We also don't know if the amount of people that are going is enough because the house is pretty big so we will just end up using only one part of the house to give off the illusion that it is full or that there are more people.

Researching CCR: Question 2

 Hi blog, Today I will be venting about The second CCR question:   How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distribut...